Gizmo was fast asleep on the ledge of the cat tree. He woke up to give me a quick greeting. Gizmo then promptly returned to his nap. I picked him up and placed him back in his cubby so Missy could come out for her turn. She was waiting eagerly at her door. Missy asked for some pets before she hopped out to go and rub herself against the cat tree. She then climbed up to the ledge Gizmo had previously been occupying. Missy put her nose to the ledge a did a little exploring. I then went to see what Fawkes and Ekkaia were up to in their cubby. Ekkaia was happy to see me and came up right away to say hello. Fawkes sat watching his brother get some love. I gave him a couple ear scratches before Fawkes headed off to another part of the cubby. Ekkaia stayed put and enjoyed some more scratches.
Bennie couldn't wait to get outside and start running. It wasn't long before he had Glory and Brokk on his tails. Soon they were all joined by Justice. Bennie continued to race around with his friends for pretty much the whole time outside. The only time he stopped was to wrestle with Justice. Bennie was so excited to run alongside his friends as they sprinted from yard to yard. Bennie would run very quickly and take a huge leap forward every few steps! He'd jump directly into the action with Magic, Justice and Glory here and there, and then hop back out and run alongside them.
Percy was so happy to have dogs to run with today. Pretty much as soon as they got out the door, Kaos started racing around with Percy following close behind. It wasn't long before they had Sadie on their heels. Shenzi thought about joining but then decided to do a little exploring beforehand. Issy stood a little ways away watching the others antics so Shenzi wandered her way. Issy put her nose down and stuck to the perimeter of the building to give the others enough space to run by. I looked around trying to figure out where Mocha had disappeared to and spotted her hanging out in one of the outdoor kennels. She seemed pretty happy with her view of the yard and he others as well as serving the dual purpose of keeping her toes out of the snow. Meanwhile, Shenzi made her way over to me and sat down at my feet. I gave her lots of pets and cuddles while we watched the other dogs. Kaos saw Shenzi and I and she was quick to come charging over wanting some loving of her own. Kaos checked up on Shenzi and said her hellos for a moment and then jumped back into playing with Sadie and Percy. Shenzi left me for a couple minutes and when she came back she was covered in snow. She had a little while snow hat and mustache and it looked like she'd enjoyed a good roll in the snow. Issy was still off doing her exploring and Sadie came to greet her. They gave each other a good hello sniff and then Sadie was off running with Kaos and Percy once more. Issy decided to head over to see what Shenzi was now looking at. This caught Sadie's attention, so Sadie left Kaos to go and see what was so interesting, too. Sadie was then on a bit of an exploring kick and went off to continue following her nose around the yard. Kaos still wanted to play and went running over to Shenzi. She quickly managed to convince Shenzi to play and soon they were having a great time. The play caught Sadie and Percy's attention and it wasn't long before it was Kaos, Sadie and Percy racing around together once more. Shenzi left them to their fun and went to rejoin Issy. I went to have a visit with Mocha and convinced her to leave the kennel. She headed out to do a little exploring before she settled herself in her customary position by the door.
Max was quite impatient to get outside. When he finally got out there, he was quite pleased to find his friends Rosie and Ivy already out in the yard. Max went racing off to say hello then went to check out the new snow. When he was finished with his business, he was very ready to play! Max and Rosie had a blast racing and wrestling around the yard. He occasionally took a break to go a check in with Ivy and see if she wanted to join. Max had a good run around the yard with his husky friends before heading inside to play in the playroom with Sadie.
The first group of little guys was up next. Miko was quick to racing out into the far yard. He then came racing back to see what Pippin was up to. Pearl, with Lola tagging along, headed out to do some exploring in the new snow. Miko said his hellos to Pippin and continued on his way towards Merlin. Pippin followed Miko at a slower pace, looking out for anything interesting along the way. Miko bounced around to see if Merlin wanted to play, but Merlin was very concentrated on the new snow and the smells it held. As he was going around he met up with Pippin. Merlin took an instant liking to him. He started bouncing around wanting Pippin to play. Pippin liked him right back and soon they were having fun. Pearl cam running into the far yard. This caught Miko's attention, and he was quick to go tearing after her. He pounced on her and she was very happy to see Miko, so she started wiggling and making her little grunts as she walked. Miko continued on with Pearl for a moment before going back to see if Merlin was ready to play. Merlin and Miko wrestled and had fun for the next little while. Meanwhile, Lola made her way out to the far yard. She spotted Miko and Merlin's fun and decided to make her way over there to see what they were up to. After a little while she headed over to see what Pearl was looking at. Pippin had lost Merlin to Miko so decided to make his way over to me for some loving and pets. Merlin and Miko eventually noticed the group forming and came over for some pets of their own. Miko, Merlin and Pippin started to bounce around and sprinted back out to the far yard to run around together.
The second group of small dogs headed straight for the far yard right off the bat. Rocky made his way over to the corner of the fences that had been just grass the day before. It was now completely covered in snow! He looked around at the snow for a few minutes, sniffing the grass that he uncovered as he walked. Maya went over to join him for a bit before setting out to do her own exploration. Emma jumped through the gate into the far yard to pounce around in the fresh snow. She was thrilled with the powdery yard and ran around to check in with the other dogs and I. Meanwhile, Benji made his way straight to the far yard where he set off to do some exploring as well. When Maya was finished following her nose, she went racing over to play with Mac. It didn't take her very long to get him to play with her, and the pair dove across the yard, tackling each other! Not too long after that most of the group headed out to join Benji in the far yard. He was quite excited to see Tank. Benji then happily followed along behind Tank until he noticed that I was standing nearby. He then came racing over to me for a quick hello. After a quick hello, Benji ran as fast as he could back towards Tank. Maya and Mac took a break from wrestling, and Maya went over to see her friend Emma. Maya and Emma wrestled and ran around the yard together. These two love to play together, since they're both such bouncy girls! Miko started to race around and Maya, Emma, Mac, Rocky S and Julie all sprinted across the yard to chase him. Benji came back into the main yard and came running to join in. Benji joined right in and played mainly with Rocky S and Julie. He then went back to following Tank around while he caught his breath. Maya still wanted to play and went back to wrestling around with Mac. I headed out to have a visit with Rocky, who seemed happy to see me and was happy to get some pets.
The second last group of the morning was a fun group. Clifford, Kesler, Glenda Lou, and Gryphon were quick to start running around while Timber, Sammy, and Finnigan all congregated in one place to check out a particularly interesting part of the yard. Kesler went running over to see what they all found so interesting. Finnigan joined Timber as he walked by, following him as he trotted along and greeted the other dogs. Timber seemed pretty happy to have a little buddy walk around with him. As they roamed around, they met up with Zim, who was the new addition to the group today. Clifford and Kesler came over to say hello as well. Clifford branched off from the others to come and say hello to me. When he was ready to play, Kesler went tearing off to see what Glenda Lou and Gryphon were up to in the far yard. It wasn't long before Sammy, Finnigan, Timber, and Kesler had joined them. At this point everyone started to get extra excited. Glenda Lou jumped on Gryphon and started nudging him to get him to play. On the other side of the yard, Sammy and Finngan went bouncing over to see if Timber wanted to play. He wanted hopped along, kicking up the fresh snow as he went. Timber left Sammy and Finnigan to their game and came over to see me. I knlet down and spent some time with Timber, who is such a sweet presence to have by my side. Sammy went trotting by to do some more exploring and Finnigan turned his sights to Clifford. Kesler returned to the main yard to go and see about getting Zim to play with him. Zim was quite happy to play with Kesler and they ran around the yards together. Before long, Sammy, Glenda Lou, Finnigan and Timber were jogging along with them! Timber took a little break and came over for a visit to get some pets and love. We then decided to make our way out to the agility yard. Everyone went racing off, and Glenda Lou turned her sights back on Gyphon. Glenda Lou went charging over to ask him to play with her, while Kesler, Clifford, Finnigan, Sammy and Timber all met up and ran along together. Sammy then left them to go and see about joining Glenda Lou and Gryphon in their game of tag. After playing for a little while, Gryphon found a bone and started playing keep away with Glenda Lou and Sammy. Sammy chased him as fast as she could around the yard, she could have ran all day!
The last group was definitely a good group to wrap up the morning. Everyone was so exited to get outside as well as excited to go and find some toys. Chloe found one almost as soon as she stepped foot outside the door. Not too far behind her Molly found one as well, which happened to be the same kind that Chloe had. While Molly was off looking, Jack met up with Maggie, who asked him to play. He was excited and started to play bow with Maggie. Jack watched as Molly ran up to me with her toy of choice, ready for a game of fetch. Jack came racing up to join his sister and I, while Maggie was happy to roll around on her back and cover herself with snow. Soon Koda, Cooper, and Zoe came running over wondering what everyone as up to. When they had said their hellos, the three of them went trotting off to continue their explorations. Cooper found a bone and carried it around everywhere he went for the next little while. I looked down, and Molly and Jack were still bouncing around my legs waiting to get a game of fetch going. Maggie was all finished rolling in the snow and jumped right over and sat quickly at my feet. The three goldens could hardly contain their excitement before I threw the toy. Over on the other side of the yard, Riley and Roobee were enjoying their own explorations. Riley then went running to see what everyone was looking at over by the tunnel. Molly, Jack and Maggie were totally focused on playing fetch, until Maggie took a break and went back to rolling in the snow. Maggie rolling caught Koda's eye, and he went bouncing over to see if she wanted to play. She did, and soon they were having a blast. Molly and Jack continued to play while Chloe watched the others, always with her toy. Zoe, who was having fun running from dog to dog, seeing what everyone was up to, eventually made her way over to see what Chloe was doing. Zoe and Chloe wiggled around together as they said hello, and I came over to join them. Chloe held her toy up as if she were showing it off to me, and I gave her a good back rub. Chloe got the zoomies and took off running! Her running got Cooper going and soon he was ripping around the yard as well. Koda eventually went to go and see what Riley and Roobee were looking at. Maggie then decided to go and join Cooper, who had stopped running and was rooting intently in the snow. This also caught Chloe's eye, so she went over to take a look as well. On the other side of the yard, Riley and Roobee took off running, and Koda went running after them. Maggie took a quick break and laid down to nibble on some snow. Riley headed her way to see what she was up to. He said a quick hello and then went running off to rejoin Koda, and this time Maggie decided to tag along. Maggie, Koda and Riley decided to go running over to see Cooper, who had just met up with Zoe. Koda and Cooper went off by themselves to play while Riley met up with Roobee, Maggie, and Zoe. We headed out to the far yard where Riley and Roobee were hit with some crazy zoomies and went ripping around the yard. Those two love to play together!
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